VEZHA Modules Stand On Guard Of The Retail Segment

28 grudnia 2022 przez

VEZHA modules provide comprehensive assistance to retailers in preventing security threats, reducing costs due to shoplifting, and increasing profits by obtaining quantitative data on visitors, studying their behavior and demand trends.

There are three main tasks for retail today:

  • Ensuring the safety of customers and staff.
  • Reducing costs from various types of theft, damage, and vandalism.
  • Maximizing retail profits by optimizing business processes and understanding customer demand.

Here is how numerous VEZHA video analytics modules can effectively solve these problems.

Safety of customers and staff.

The presence of VEZHA software can turn video cameras into sources of collecting and analyzing information that will allow you to find the necessary people and prevent various types of security threats:

VEZHA Gun Detection Smoking

Detects the weapon on the video, determines its type, and instantly alerts internal security and law enforcement agencies.

VEZHA Smart Tracking System

Multi-camera search for a person, for example, a lost child, based only on the color and type of clothing.

VEZHA Object Detection

Search by object type. Control over certain areas where people, vehicles, or animals enter.

Violation detection of parking rules in nearby areas, parking lots.

Detection of unexplained loitering, suspicious or aggressive behavior. Prevention of potential problems for quick response.

VEZHA Crowd Detection

For detecting queues and dangerous crowds of people.

VEZHA Motion Detection

Protection against terrorist attacks in public places. Monitoring of items left behind.

VEZHA Smoke & Fire Detection

Detection of smoke at the early stages.

VEZHA Smoking Detection

Detection of smoking in shopping malls and prohibited areas.

Reducing costs from shoplifting, damage, vandalism.

According to the research, retailers can lose up to 20% of their profits annually due to various types of burglaries, shoplifting, and damages.

The following VEZHA video analytics will help to significantly reduce these costs:

VEZHA Face Recognition

Detects already known shoplifters from the “black” lists.

VEZHA Motion Detection

Tracks boundary crossings. To protect against intrusions and damage.

Increasing profits by optimizing business processes.

Intelligent video analytics provides information that allows retailers to respond to demand in time and determine a profitable business strategy.

With the help of following VEZHA modules:

VEZHA Face Recognition

Collect data about visitors, including age, gender, and how much time they spent in the store.

Control the location of staff at the workplace.

Receive notifications about the arrival of VIP customers.

VEZHA Heat Map

Creates hot and cold zones on the map of the shopping center — to track the most visited areas of the store.

VEZHA Traffic Analytics

Determines the intensity and patterns of people and vehicle traffic.


Detects vehicles and their license plates from employee lists, to automatically open the barrier when entering/leaving the parking lot.


VEZHA solutions powered by IncoreSoft solve retail challenges and effectively increase revenue streams to achieve business goals in a constantly changing market.
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